Eating Free Blog

Never diet again

Weight loss diets do not care about you  

The relationship with food, eating and your body can become difficult, especially when you realise you have gained a bit of weight and you want to lose it again.

From a medical perspective, a set diet prescribed by a medical doctor can be very important to support treatment goals or avoid drug reactions, but for most of us and in most instances, the term diet refers to a weight loss diet. And it is a term we need to avoid.

Diets don't work

My goal is to eliminate the notion of a weight loss diet from any eating and weight conversation. Forever. In fact, my goal is to remove diet and weight from all conversations. 

We all follow a diet of sorts all the time even though we are not aware that it is a diet. Then, when we want to lose weight then we suddenly go on a real diet. We get really excited and have our plan, diet sheet, target weight and 'by when' date. 

But all this does is set us up for disaster, and for many of us, sadly triggers an endless merry-go-round of yoyo dieting, body dissatisfaction and unhappiness. 

In most instances, any effort to lose weight only results in weight gain and leads to a vicious cycle of on-off dieting, mental struggles around failure and a body we are unhappy with. 

A diet can lead to an eating disorders

It is well documented that dieting is often a precursor to an eating disorder. 

Medical News Today reported in April 2023 that as many as 80% of those who have lost weight through diet and exercise regain all of the weight they originally lost.  Here, I need to note that exercise is a powerful tactic that helps you cope better with stress and life, and definitely supports weight loss. However, like dieting, if you stop and start exercising all the time, the longer term benefits are undermined. If you only exercise to lose weight you are unlikely to build a sustainable love of movement. 

Say goodbye to the weight yoyo 

Losing weight too quickly will only see you re-gain the weight you lost, and more.  Going on a special diet for a set period of time to fit into that pair of jeans or dress that's been sitting in your cupboard  will only see you return to  the way you were eating that caused your weight gain in the first place. 

My coaching program aims to help you say no to weight loss diets forever.  

You will learn how to make the right choices for yourself, including the right food choices, and how to develop a love of movement. 

Say not to quick fix diets and diet pills 

There is no shortage of programs with big weight loss promises, but you'll soon realize that they are empty promises when you regain all the weight. Diet pills, special shakes and meal replacements definitely do not lay the right foundations for a sustainable way to achieve your natural weight 

Build a sustainable way of eating and moving 

Eating Free is about building a way of eating and an approach to food and your body that will liberate you from your weight struggles and the intrusive thoughts about how much weight you need to lose or how much weight you have put on. 

Will it be easy? Not necessarily, though you're likely to experience the benefits of my approach fairly quickly. 

Will it be worth it? Without a doubt.